Store shelves – Production of commercial shelves, shelves for stores

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  • Store shelves – Production of commercial shelves, shelves for stores

Production of one or more

High Quality materials

Laser Engraving

Comercial racks, shelves, stands, and other equipment for shops, supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, and other premises

Do you want your store to look exclusive and exactly the way you want it? Don’t let your dream go away, it’s not that complicated. Together with Promi Design, you will always find a solution!

What could be more wonderful and pleasant than working in a store, the interior of which you created yourself? It’s very simple. We can also offer wooden store shelves, racks, hangers, stands, or more according to your drawings or idea, or we can design and offer your own.

Why should you choose us?

We produce durable constructions from natural materials that will last and not change the look for a long time. Wood adapts to the interior and adds aesthetic beauty to your products so that they don’t look like ordinary products on common store shelves, but are something more eye-catching. Natural wood is a sign of high quality and will definitely be different from the old and boring plastic shelves you often see in old stores.

Personally made for your store or product

We will create and adapt shelves, racks, and stands specifically for your store, special product, best-selling product, product group or create shelves for your entire store.

If you have a unique idea – share it with us and we will make it a reality!

For orders, contact or contact us via Facebook or Instagram

Ateities st. 3, Vievis LT-21366

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